Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On Cultural Sensibilities and the Great Sport Myth
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Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On Sport for Development and Peace
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Assessing the Trajectory and Challenges of the Sociology of Sport
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Assimilating to a Boy’s Body Shape for the Sake of Performance: Three Female Athletes’ Body Experiences in a Sporting Culture
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At Least Nine Ways to Play: Approaching Gamer Mentalities
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Athlete Protection in Quebec’s Sport System: Assessments Problems and Challenges
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Athletes and/or Activists: LeBron James and Black Lives Matter
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Athletes in the Pool Girls and Boys on Deck: The Contextual Construction of Gender in Coed Youth Swimming
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Athletes’ Career Transition Out of Sport: A Systematic Review
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Athletes’ Experiences of the Psychological Effects of Poor Coaching.
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Athletic Identity and Aggressiveness: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Athletic Identity Maintenance Model
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Athletic Participation and Seatbelt Omission Among U.S. High School Students: A National Study
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Athletic Subculture Within Student-Athlete Academic Centers
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Athletic Success and NCAA Profit-Athletes’ Adjusted Graduation Gaps
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Athletic Voices and Academic Victories: African American Male Student–Athlete Experiences in the Pac-Ten
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Athletic Women’s Experiences of Amenorrhea: Biomedical Technologies Somatic Ethics and Embodied Subjectivities
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Athletics as a Source for Social Status Among Youth: Examining Variation by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic status
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Autonomy, Eating Disorders and Elite Gymnastics: Ethical and Conceptual Issues
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Bad for Business? The Effects of Hooliganism on English Professional Football Clubs
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Bearing Bodies: Physical Activity, Obesity Stigma, and Sexuality in the Bear Community
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An Own Goal in Sport for Development: Time to Change the Playing Field
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An Unexceptional Exception: Golf Pesticides and Environmental Regulation in Canada
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An Unpaid Labor of Love: Professional Footballers Family Life and the Problem of Job Relocation
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Anabolic Steroids in the UK: An Increasing Issue for Public Health
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Analyzing Media Representations of Sportswomen—Expanding the Conceptual Boundaries Using a Postfeminist Sensibility
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And You Thought We Had Moved Beyond All That: Biological Race Returns to the Social Sciences
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Animal Blood Sport: A Ritual Display of Masculinity and Sexual Virility
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Anyone but England?: Exploring Anti-English Sentiment as Part of Scottish National Identity in Sport
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Anyone for Tennis? Sport, Class and Status in New Zealand
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Appetite for or Resistance to Consumption Relationships? A Trans-European Perspective on the Marketisation of Football Fan Relationships
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Aquatic Antiques: Swimming Off This Mortal Coil?
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Are College Students ‘Bowling Alone?’ Examining the Contribution of Team Identification to the Social Capital of College Students
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Are Sports Betting Markets Prediction Markets? Evidence From a New Test
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Are We Asking the Right Questions? A Response to the Academic Reforms Research by Todd Petr and Tom Paskus
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Are We Committed to Issues of Race? Institutional Integrity Across Intercollegiate Athletics
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Arousing a [Post-] Enlightenment Active Body Praxis
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Arousing a [Post] Enlightenment Active Body Praxis
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As British as Fish and Chips: British Newspaper Representations of Mo Farah During the 2012 London Olympic Games
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Assessing Impact of Physical Activity-Based Youth Development Programs: Validation of the Life Skills Transfer Survey (LSTS)
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Assessing the Relationship Between Youth Sport Participation Settings and Creativity in Adulthood
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Alcohol Consumption in Sportspeople: The Role of Social Cohesion, Identity and Happiness
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Alcohol-Related Player Behavioral Transgressions: Incidences Fan Media Responses and a Harm-Reduction Alternative
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Alcoholism and Recovery: A Case Study of a Former Professional Footballer
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Alibis for Adult Play: A Goffmanian Account of Escaping Embarrassment in Adult Play
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All About Having Fun: Women’s Experience of Zumba Fitness
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All the Places We Were Not Supposed to go’: A Case Study of Formative Class and Gender Habitus in Adventure Climbing
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Allez Wiggo: A Case Study on the Reactions of the British Print Media to Bradley Wiggins’s Victory in the Tour de France
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Alter Globalization, Global Social Movements, and the Possibility of Political Transformation Through Sport
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Alumni Perceptions of a University’s Decision to Remove Native American Imagery From its Athletic Program: A Case Study
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Ambivalence on the Front Lines? Attitudes Toward Title IX and Women’s Sports Among Division I Sports Information Directors
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American Jewish Women on the Court: Seeking an Identity in Tennis in the Early Decades of the Twentieth Century
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Amputees and Sports: A Systematic Review
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Amusing Ourselves to Life: Fitness Consumerism and the Birth of Bio-Games
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An (In)convenient Truce? Paralympic Stakeholders’ Reflections on the Olympic–Paralympic Relationship
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An Assessment of the Dynamic of Religious Ritualism in Sporting Environments
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An Elite Hockey Player’s Experiences of Video-Based Coaching: A Poststructuralist Reading
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An Ethic of Indulgence? Alcohol, Ultimate Frisbee and Calculated Hedonism
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An Exploratory Study of Black Male College Athletes’ Perceptions on Race and Athlete Activism
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An Old Boys Club No More: Pluralism in Participation and Performance at the Olympic Games
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An Olympic Legacy For All? The Non-Infrastructural Outcomes of the Olympic Games for Socially Excluded Groups (Atlanta 1996-Beijing 2008)
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Academic Research and Reform: A History of the Empirical Basis for NCAA Academic Policy
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Academic Self-Concept in Black Adolescents: Do Race and Gender Stereotypes Matter?
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Academic Spending Versus Athletic Spending: Who Wins?
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Access Agenda Building and Information Subsidies: Media Relations in Professional Sport
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Accounting for Legacy: Monitoring and Evaluation in Sport in Development Relationships
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Achieving Against the Odds: Gender, Chance and Contradiction in the Horseracing Industry
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Action Sport NGOs in a Neo-Liberal Context: The Cases of Skateistan and Surf Aid International
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Action Sports for Youth Development: Critical Insights for the SDP Community
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Actively Closing the Gap? Social Class Organized Activities and Academic Achievement in High School
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Actualizing Children’s Participation in the Development of Outdoor Play Areas at an Early Childhood Institution
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Adolescent Athletes’ Learning About Coping and the Roles of Parents and Coaches
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Adolescent Sport Participation and Alcohol Use: The Importance of Sport Organization and the Wider Social Context
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Adolescent Well-Being: An Emerging Agenda for Schools
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Adopting the Diasporic Son: Jeremy Lin and Taiwan Sport Nationalism
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After Racial Democracy: Contemporary Puzzles in Race Relations in Brazil Latin America and Beyond From a Boundaries Perspective
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Ageing in Urban Environments : Developing ‘Age-Friendly’ Cities
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Agency Constraints and Possibilities: Athletes Manoeuvring Between the Logics of Community, Market, Profession and Corporation in Their Quest for Individual Sponsorships
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Alcohol and Community Football in Australia
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Alcohol and Marijuana Use Among American High School Seniors: Empirical Associations With Competitive Sports Participation
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Alcohol Consumption Among Women Rugby Players in France: Uses of the “Third Half-Time”
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A Fair Game for All? How Community Sports Clubs in Australia Deal With Diversity
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A Fumbled Opportunity? A Case Study of Twitter’s Role in Concussion Awareness Opportunities During the Super Bowl
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A Genuinely Emotional Week: Learning Disability, Sport and Television – Notes on the Special Olympics GB National Summer Games 2009
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A Golden Silence? Acts of Remembrance and Commemoration at U.K. Football Games
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A Grounded Theory of Fitness Training and Sports Participation in Young Adult Male Offenders
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A Level Playing ‘Field’? A Bourdieusian Analysis of the Career Aspirations of Further Education Students on Sports Courses
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A Match Made in Heaven?! Sport, Television, and New Media in the Beginning of the Third Millennia
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A Mockery of Equality: An Exploratory Investigation Into Disabled Activists’ Views of the Paralympic Games
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A New Injury Prevention Programme for Children’s Football – FIFA 11+ Kids – Can Improve Motor Performance: A Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial
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A Nobel Sport: The Racial Football Rhetoric of Mandela, Obama, and Martin Luther King Jr
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A Perfect Script? Manchester United’s Class of ’92
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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Constructing (Non-) Athletic Bodies
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A Realm of Mere Representation? “Live” Esports Spectacles and the Crafting of China’s Digital Gaming Image
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A Response to David Kirk: Personal/Professional Views From US Authors
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A Smaller Window to the University: The Impact of Athletic De-Escalationon Status and Reputation
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A Splendid Effort!’: Print Media Reporting of England’s Women’s Performance in the 2009 Cricket World Cup
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A Summary and Commentary on the Quantitative Results of Current NCAA Academic Reforms
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A Two-Study Investigation Into How Television News Frames the Steroid Scandal in Major League Baseball and Fans’ Support for Bonds, McGwire, and Palmeiro’s Pending Induction Into the Baseball Hall of Fame
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A Welsh European: Golf, Tourism and the Remaking of National Imaging
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Academic Performance Programs: New Directions and (Dis)connections in Academic Reform
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