Research Library

Effects of out-of-school physical activity interventions based on self-determination theory in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the impact of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) based interventions on children and adolescents' physical activity levels and motivational processes, specifically when conducted outside the school environment. Analyzing nine identified studies, this research delved into the effectiveness of these out-of-school interventions, shedding light on their influence on factors like satisfaction of psychological needs, motivation toward physical activity, and actual levels of engagement.
Read OnEffects of out-of-school physical activity interventions based on self-determination theory in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis

What happens in the prefrontal cortex? Cognitive processing of novel and familiar stimuli in soccer: An exploratory fNIRS study

Exploring the brain's response to cognitive tasks among semi-professional soccer players, this study dives into the differences in prefrontal cortex activity during general and sport-specific cognitive tests. By analyzing the cortical mechanisms underlying expertise in soccer, the research uncovers intriguing insights into how the brain processes familiar versus novel information in athletes. Understanding these cognitive nuances could significantly impact training approaches and shed light on the intricate relationship between brain function and sports expertise. Let's explore the key takeaways from this illuminating study.
Read OnWhat happens in the prefrontal cortex? Cognitive processing of novel and familiar stimuli in soccer: An exploratory fNIRS study