Donors & Partners

Major Donors


Brooks & Dani Walker

Wilson Family Foundation

Johnson Family Foundation

Founding Donors


Michael & Sara Male

Carrick McLaughlin

Liz & Mike

Dr. Jay Coakley

Dr. Brian Gearity



Peter & Cindy Shanholt



Andrew & Lisa Kearns

Charles Forrester

Organizational Partners

Alone, your voice may not be heard, but when we join our voices together, we can create change. Because of WeCOACH, women coaches everywhere are louder, stronger, braver and more respected. We are fearless supporters and promoters for our profession. By empowering women to be more aware of the realities of our profession, we are expanding career opportunities for women at all levels and in all sports.

JED empowers teens and young adults by building resiliency and life skills, promoting social connectedness, and encouraging help-seeking and help-giving behaviors through our nationally recognized programs, digital channels, and partnerships, as well as through the media. JED strengthens schools by working directly with high schools, colleges, and universities — representing millions of students — to put systems, programs, and policies in place to create a culture of caring that protects student mental health, builds life skills, and makes it more likely that struggling students will seek help and be recognized, connected to care, and supported. We mobilize communities by providing education, training, and tools to families, friends, media, and others.

The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit organization responsible for responding to and preventing emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct and abuse in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. The Center also serves as an educational resource for sports organizations at all levels, from recreational sports organizations to professional leagues.

Athletes’ Voices provides elite athletes with the tools needed to leverage their high-influence platforms to make an impact around issues of importance globally, nationally, locally, and personally, ensuring that their voices aren’t just heard in the moment, but are the catalyst or spark for a movement.

Jordyn Clark Foundation, a Minnesota non-profit corporation was created to honor Jordyn Clark, a compassionate and affectionate individual who was enthusiastic about soccer, goalkeeping, coaching, and spreading kindness to all. Through our efforts, we aim to raise awareness about suicide prevention and break down the barriers surrounding mental health and well-being. Her spirit will always live on in our hearts, and we hope you will join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the lives