Research Library


The Allure of Games: Toward an Updated Theory of the Leisure Class

Gamers spend as many as 2.5 billion hours per week playing games. The gaming literature has relied on the field of positive psychology and the concept of flow to explain why gamers are willing to work so hard in order to have fun. However, many games are played within a social context and hence produce […]

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Strong Is the New Sexy: Women, CrossFit, and the Postfeminist Ideal

This article discusses the postfeminist framing of women who participate in CrossFit (CF) and whether that framing provides a counter to traditional narratives regarding the masculinity and manliness of women in competitive sports and activities focused on the body. Our analysis called for us to abandon the ideal that there exists an authentic and true […]

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Submersed in Social Segregation: The (Re)Production of Social Capital Through Swim Club Membership

This article examines the ways in which upper middle class families acquire, transmit, and preserve their social and cultural capitals through membership at the Pine View Swim and Tennis Club, a semi private facility located near a major mid-Atlantic city in the United States. Drawing on Cultural theorist Pierre Bourdieu’s theorizing on sport participation and […]

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Subsidies and Stadia’ Opulence

Quirk and Fort’s gold plating hypothesis stipulates that subsidies are partly capitalized into stadia’ opulence. If the gold plating hypothesis is true, it would indicate that subsidies contribute to their own existence, as owners and major league executives argue subsidies are necessary to meet leagues’ increasing facility design standards. This study tests the gold plating […]

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Successful Sexy Popular: Athletic Performance and Physical Attractiveness as Determinants of Public Interest in Male and Female Soccer Players

This study examines to what extent the public attention directed at individual male and female players of various national soccer teams is influenced by (a) their athletic performance and (b) their physical attractiveness. The results prove that public interest in athletes depends significantly on performance and attractiveness. However, those athletes who both perform strongly and […]

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Suffering and Thriving: Children’s Perspectives and Interpretations of Poverty and well-being in Rural Zambia

Drawing on the findings of a qualitative research in rural Zambia involving 24 children (9- to 16-year old), this article advances our understandings of the ways in which familial and intergenerational relationships influence the experiences, impacts, conceptualizations and interpretations of poverty. It is argued that boys and girls interpret poverty largely in social and relational […]

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Sugar and Sports: Age Differences in Children’s Responses to a High Sugar Cereal Advertisement Portraying Physical Activities

This study experimentally investigated whether exposing children to a television advertisement for a high sugar cereal that depicts physical activities influences their perceptions of the promoted food and activities differently than exposure to an advertisement for the same product without the depiction of physical activities. Children aged 5 to 6 and 10 to 11 years […]

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Suicide in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletes: A 9-Year Analysis of the NCAA Resolutions Database

Background: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has recently highlighted mental health concerns in student athletes, though the incidence of suicide among NCAA athletes is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of suicide among NCAA athletes. Hypothesis: The incidence of suicide in NCAA athletes differs by sex, race, sport, and […]

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Superstar Salaries and Soccer Success: The Impact of Designated Players in Major League Soccer

This study estimates the relationship between production and salary structure in Major League Soccer (MLS), the highest level of professional soccer (association football) in North America. Soccer production, measured as league points per game, is modeled as a function of a team’s total wage bill, the distribution of the team’s wage bill, and goals per […]

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Supplements for Strength-Power Athletes


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Surf Film Then & Now: The Endless Summer Meets Slow Dance

Media shifts in the past 50 years based on a late capitalist economics have profoundly affected how a film is produced, delivered, and received. In this article, I aim to examine two exemplar surf films—The Endless Summer (1964) and Slow Dance (2013)—as well as the surf film genre to note some of the ways these […]

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Surf’s up! A call to take English Soccer Fan Interactions on the Internet more Seriously

Soccer fandom practices in England have been significantly impacted by globalization. The creation of the Premier League in 1992, and the way in which satellite television company BSkyB dominated coverage of this, together with other developments, have led to changes in how fans consume top‐level English soccer. Whilst such global transformations are well documented in […]

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Surfistas Locales: Transnationalism and the Construction of Surfer Identity in Nicaragua

Surfers have created their own subculture, which has been associated with concepts such as environmentalism, masculinity, place, and nonconformity, yet the increasing global reach of their sport has created transnational surf communities that bring into question the definition of what it means to be a “local” surfer. This ethnographic study examines identity construction in local […]

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Surveillance and Securitization: A Forgotten Sydney Olympic Legacy

The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games were the last Olympic Games held before 9/11. Even though the 2000 Games were held prior to this landmark terrorist incident, Australia implemented a range of increased security processes to safeguard the Games. As such, the Sydney Games provide a compelling case study to examine how Olympic security measures were […]

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Surviving Rather than Thriving: Understanding the Experiences of Women Coaches Using a Theory of Gendered Social Well-being

In shifting our gaze to the sociological impact of being in the minority, the purpose of this study was to substantiate a model of gendered social well-being to appraise women coaches’ circumstances, experiences and challenges as embedded within the social structures and relations of their profession. This is drawn on in-depth interviews with a sample […]

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Suspended Ethics and the Team: Theorising Team Sports Players’ Group Sexual Assault in the Context of Identity

Men’s elite team sports in Australia have recently been the subject of considerable public scrutiny subsequent to a series of instances of group sexual violence against women. Both scholarship and policy work have noted how homosocial institutions such as sporting teams have a greater likelihood of gender-based violence and have proposed the need for more […]

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Sustainable Mega-events: Beyond the Myth of Balanced Approaches to Mega-event Sustainability

The concept of sustainability is now integral to the lexicon of tourism and is increasingly become part of the discourse of mega-events. Yet despite the success of the concept of sustainable development in being adopted in tourism policy-making and research tourism is less sustainable than ever if environmental measures are adopted. Similarly, substantial questions have […]

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Symbolic Violence and the Olympic Games: Low-income Youth, Social Legacy Commitments, and Urban Exclusion in Olympic Host Cities

Drawing on a five-year qualitative study on the impacts of the Olympic Games on homeless and marginally housed youth in two host cities (Vancouver 2010 and London 2012), this paper explores the instances of ‘symbolic violence’ perpetuated by the institutional infrastructure associated with the Olympics. Following Pierre Bourdieu’s use of the term, symbolic violence refers […]

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Symbols, Meaning, and Action: The Past, Present, and Future of Symbolic Interactionism

Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical perspective in sociology that addresses the manner in which society is created and maintained through face-to-face, repeated, meaningful interactions among individuals. This article surveys past theory and research in the interactionist tradition. It first provides an overview of three main trajectories in symbolic interactionist thought, focusing on the work of […]

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Syria and the Olympics: National Identity on an International Stage

Since its independence in 1946, Syria has fielded a team for every summer Olympic competition except 1956, yet has won only three Olympic medals. In contrast with its smaller, higher-powered neighbour Lebanon, its participation at the Olympics has been consistent but limited, with the country making little impact internationally. Yet the history of Syria’s involvement […]

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Taking Sex Off the Sidelines: Challenging Heteronormativity Within ‘Sport in Development’ Research

The majority of ‘Sport in Development’ (SiD) research imparts a heteronormative framework that serves to prevent nuanced understandings of how sexuality and gender matter in programming that aspires to achieve development through/with sport. The authors review existing SiD academic literature and draw on personal work and research experiences within the SiD field to evidence this […]

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Sports Review: A Content Analysis of the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, the Journal of Sport and Social Issues and the Sociology of Sport Journal Across 25 years

The International Review for the Sociology of Sport, the Journal of Sport and Social Issues and Sociology of Sport Journal have individually and collectively been subject to a systematic content analysis. By focusing on substantive research papers published in these three journals over a 25-year time period it is possible to identify the topics that […]

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Sports Sociology’s Still Untapped Potential

Following up on Zirin’s (2008) challenge that sports sociologists “get off the bench,” and Karen and Washington’s (2001) plea to make sports sociology more central to analysis of social power, this article empirically reviews and assesses the sociology of sports from 1977—2008. Using a sample of 441 articles selected from the three major sports sociology […]

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Sports Specialization, Part II: Alternative Solutions to Early Sport Specialization in Youth Athletes

Context: Many coaches, parents, and children believe that the best way to develop elite athletes is for them to participate in only 1 sport from an early age and to play it year-round. However, emerging evidence to the contrary indicates that efforts to specialize in 1 sport may reduce opportunities for all children to participate […]

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Sports Tribes and Academic Identity: Teaching the Sociology of Sport in a Changing Disciplinary Landscape

Using data from 15 semi-structured interviews with UK-based early/mid-career academics, this paper offers an empirically informed assessment of how lecturers teaching/researching the sociology of sport are managing their careers in a changing higher education landscape. Those interviewed were involved in the delivery of sociological content to a range of sports-themed courses with the interviews focusing […]

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Sports Volunteering on University-led Outreach Projects: A Space for Developing Social Capital

The focus of this article centers around an established universities sports outreach program—the Sport Universities North East England (SUNEE) project—and explores how its core workforce, student volunteers, perceive that they develop effective working relationships with the project’s “hard-to-reach” clients. The SUNEE project represents an alliance between the region’s five universities to tackle social exclusion, and […]

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Sports-Based Interventions and the Local Governance of Youth Crime and Antisocial Behavior

Drawing on analysis of youth crime and antisocial behavior reduction policies and a qualitative study of sports-based interventions (SBIs) in England, the article considers three ways in which SBI staff, managers, partners, and participants suggest projects contribute to youth crime reduction: encouraging young people’s “self-transformation” through the development of supportive and mentoring relationships (changing people), […]

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Sports-Based Interventions for Socially Vulnerable Youth: Towards Well-defined Interventions with Easy-to-Follow Outcomes?

In this paper, we critically examine the burgeoning scientific discourse about sports-based interventions for socially vulnerable or disadvantaged youth from a socio-pedagogical perspective. It is argued that the call for more well-defined sports-based social interventions with easier-to-follow outcomes may be at odds with the open-ended philosophy that is viewed as a fundamental principle when engaging […]

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Sports-related Concussion in Youth: Report from the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council

A report from the Institute of Medicine (IoM) and National Research Council has revealed the prevalence of sports-related concussions in youth. The need to view concussions as more serious threats to the health of young athletes is highlighted.

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Sports-Related Concussion Occurrence at Various Time Points During High School Athletic Events: Part 2

Background: Sports-related concussion (SRC) injury rates, and identifying those athletes at the highest risk, have been a primary research focus. However, no studies have evaluated at which time point during an athletic event athletes are most susceptible to SRCs. Purpose: To determine the clinical incidence of SRCs during the start, middle, and end of practice […]

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Sports’ Disciplinary Legacy and the Challenge of ‘Coaching Differently’

Be empowering. Be athlete-centered. Be autonomy supportive. These are three related topics currently being promoted by sport psychologists and sport pedagogists in an effort to recognize athletes’ unique qualities and developmental differences and make coaching more holistic and coaches more considerate. This has led us to ask, how likely are such initiatives to lead to […]

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Sportswomen and Social Media: Bringing Third-wave Feminism Postfeminism and Neoliberal Feminism into Conversation

In this article, we take seriously the challenges of making sense of a sporting (and media) context that increasingly engages female athletes as active, visible, and autonomous, while inequalities pertaining to gender, sexuality, race, and class remain stubbornly persistent across sport institutions and practices. We do so by engaging with three recent feminist critiques that […]

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Stages and Demands in the Careers of Canadian National Hockey League Players

Researchers have identified some demands of Canadian National Hockey League (NHL) players, yet there is little direction for players hoping to reach the lucrative league. The objectives of this study were to identify the stages, statuses and demands in Canadian NHL players’ careers and propose an empirical career model of Canadian NHL players. In total, […]

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Stages of the Global: Media, Sport, Racialization and the Last Temptation of Zinedine Zidane

Major sport spectacles are probably the most potent, vibrant stages on which human drama can be played out in real time before a vast international audience. Media sport, through global scale ‘frozen moments’, can precipitate popular interrogations of ‘race’ and its myriad connections to other socio-cultural structures and identities. This article considers the case of […]

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State of Play 2018: Trends and Development

Five years ago this spring, Project Play was launched. We invited more than 80 leaders from sport, health, media, philanthropy and other sectors to the Aspen Institute’s campus in Aspen, Colo., to take measure of how well children were being served through sports and to consider ways to improve the state of play. The impetus […]

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State of Play: Trends and Developments in Youth Sports

Our fourth annual report is the latest snapshot of how well stakeholders are serving children and communities through youth sports. The report includes the most recent youth sports participation data and coaching metrics from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association; new survey results of youth sports parents from the Aspen Institute and Utah State University; […]

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Steroids: A New Look at Performance-enhancing Drugs

From Baron Pierre de Coubertin’s original objectives in establishing the modern Olympic Games to the increasingly widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs during the Cold War to the 1998 drug scandal during the Tour de France and beyond, Steroids: A New Look at Performance-Enhancing Drugs puts the social construction of steroids as a banned substance under […]

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Sticking Out in the Field: No, Ma’am, I Do Not Work for the Governor

The purpose of this paper is to further existing research on fieldwork practices and experiences by focusing on issues of reflexivity (Pillow, 2003) and research ethics (Guillemin & Gillam, 2004) within “openly ideological research” (Lather, 1986) that actively renounces the objective observer in favor of the praxis-driven embodied research actor (Giardina & Newman, 2011a). This […]

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Stigma and Status: Interracial Intimacy and Intersectional Identities Among Black College Men

In this article, I use in-depth interviews with Black college students at two predominantly white universities to investigate the construction of race, gender, and sexuality, and to examine intersectional identities as a dynamic process rather than bounded identity. I focus on Black college men’s talk about interracial relationships. Existing research documents Black women’s angry reactions […]

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Strike a Pose! The Femininity Effect in Collegiate Women’s Sport

The apologetic strategies women employ to manage the cultural tension between athleticism and hegemonic femininity are well documented. Existing research, however, tends to be small-scale. The cumulative symbolic implications of female athlete appearance on cultural ideals remain under-theorized as a result. Our quantitative content analysis of a stratified, random sample of 4,799 collegiate women athletes’ […]

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Strong and Hard Women: An Ethnography of Female Bodybuilding

In Strong and Hard Women, Tanya Bunsell offers an insightful ethnographic exploration of female bodybuilding in the United Kingdom, questioning whether female bodybuilding can operate as a vehicle for women’s empowerment and for resistance to cultural constructions of hegemonic femininity. Since the birth of the sport in 1979, female bodybuilding has grown and changed significantly, […]

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Sport, Theology, and the Special Olympics: A Christian Theological Reflection

The authors explore the potential of the Special Olympic movement to act as a counternarrative and prophetic message to the big-business world of professional sports. Drawing on the work of pioneers in the field of theology of disability, such as Jean Vanier, John Swinton, Brian Brock, Amos Yong, and Stanley Hauerwas, the authors provide a […]

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Sport, Violence and Society

Is violence an intrinsic component of contemporary sport? How does violence within sport reflect upon the attitudes of wider society? In this landmark study of violence in and around contemporary sport, Kevin Young offers the first comprehensive sociological analysis of an issue of central importance within sport studies. The book explores organized and spontaneous violence, […]

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Sport,Fiction and Sociology: Novels as Data Sources

This paper is primarily concerned with the types of data that are of value to sociologists – in this instance, particularly to sociologists of sport. It is argued here that we can and should add works of fiction to the more commonly accepted data sources. Whilst most academic writers may be cautious about the excessive […]

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Sport. In D. Southerton (Ed.)

Once formally codified and standardised the social practice we now term ‗modern‘ sport was destined to form part of consumer culture. In the 21st century we now find ourselves in a position where sport—both in terms of an activity that is participated in globally by billions from elite to recreational levels, and also as a […]

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Sporting Mythscapes, Neoliberal Histories, and Post-Colonial Amnesia in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Andrews (1999) has argued that under conditions of market-based liberalization, the sporting past has increasingly been put to use for the purposes of accumulation. This selectively rendered “sporting historicism,” he argues, results in “a pseudo-authentic historical sensibility, as opposed to a genuinely historically grounded understanding of the past, or indeed the present by rendering history […]

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Sporting Space Invaders: Elite bodies in Track and Field, a South African Context

This article builds on previous work that conceptualizes certain bodies – particularly women and racialized minorities – as ‘bodies out of place’ and ‘space invaders’ – to put forth the notion of the sporting space invader. I argue that certain sporting bodies become sporting space invaders by transgressing sporting boundaries, real and/or imagined. Specifically, this […]

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Sporting Spinal Cord Injuries Social Relations and Rehabilitation Narratives: An Ethnographic Creative Non-fiction of Becoming Disabled Through Sport

Working at the intersection of sociology and psychology, the purpose of this paper was to examine people’s experiences during rehabilitation of being and having an impaired body as a result of suffering a spinal cord injury (SCI) while playing sport. Interview data with men ( n = 20) and observational data were collected. All data […]

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Sports Activities in a Psychosocial Perspective: Preliminary Analysis of Adolescent Participation in Sports Challenges

As the literature is far from being unanimous in regards to the psychosocial benefits of sports practice, we conducted a preliminary qualitative study with nine teenagers who participated in a group sporting challenge to better understand: (1) youths’ perceptions regarding the program’s most important dimensions and (2) its effects in the physical, psychological and social […]

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Sports and Exercises in Spiritual Formation

Some followers of Christ claim that sports are pointless activities and even spiritually dangerous, given some of the values that are present within them. Other Christians look more favorably upon the value of sports. In this paper, I defend the latter view. I focus on the manner in which sports can provide a context for […]

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Sports and Structured Leisure as Sites of Victimization for Children and Young People in Finland: Looking at the Significance of Gender and Ethnicity

Availability and access have been central worries that are discussed related to children’s and young people’s sport and other structured leisure activities. In this article, we shift the focus towards children’s and young people’s experiences of violence perpetrated by coaches or leaders within such activities in Finland. We use a large-scale survey on children’s and […]

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Sports as Never Before: Isolating Celebrity Athletes in Football as Never Before, Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait, and Kobe Doin’ Work

This article constructs a genealogy of three poetic sports documentaries, all of which use multiple cameras to isolate a star athlete for the duration of a team game. All three films are defined by their distinction from dominant forms of coverage, which allows them to foreground elements of the spectacle typically marginalized by the standard […]

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Sports Clubs’ Volunteers: Bonding In or Bridging Out?

The aim of this study is to re-evaluate the nature of bonding and bridging social capital in sports clubs. Exploratory research involving interviews with club volunteers reveals that shared values and norms of commitment to the sport or the club are an important dimension of homophilic and heterophilic ties. These are expressed in the recruitment […]

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Sports Coach as Transformative Leader: Arresting School Disengagement Through Community Sport-Based Initiatives

Reducing social exclusion through interventions designed to sustain school engagement is a key aim of the education and social policy of any government. This paper is a response to the call for there to be more focused empirical sports coaching research through examining the transformative potential of community-based sports coaches to support schools in arresting […]

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Sports Coaches as ‘Dangerous Individuals’—Practice as Governmentality

Recent concern surrounding sports coaches’ interaction with young people has reflected a fundamental change in the way coaches and others regard the role of sports. In this paper, we consider the identification and definition of the contemporary sports coach (whether acting in a professional or volunteer capacity) as, in Foucault’s term, a ‘dangerous individual’. We […]

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Sports in Society; Issues and Controversies, Southern African Edition

Sports in Africa reflect a complex, colonial history in which recent democratic changes have set out to redistribute wealth, reclaim notions of an African heritage and celebrate diversity. With a growing need to discuss and analyse issues, images and controversies with relevance to both the African and South African contexts, a detailed introduction to the […]

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Sports Mega-events, Soft Power and Soft Disempowerment: International Supporters’ Perspectives on Qatar’s Acquisition of the 2022 FIFA World Cup Finals

Through the use of document analysis, field work and semi-structured interviews at five major tournaments in Asia, North America, Europe and South America, the paper examines the perspectives of international football supporters on the Fédération Internationale de Football Association’s (FIFA) decision to award the 2022 World Cup finals to the State of Qatar. The paper […]

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Sports Morality and Body: The Voices of Sportswomen Under Franco’s Dictatorship

The aim of this research is to study sports women’perceptions and experiences of women’s sport in Francoist Spain (1939–1975). The main objective is to analyse the social, moral and aesthetic elements that are present in the experience of these athletes. This study was carried out with an intentional sample of 24 women from Andalusia, Aragon, […]

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Sports on Traditional and Newer Digital Media: Is There Really a Fight for Fans?

In this essay, we examine a series of platform, content, reception, and lifestyle factors likely to shape sports fans’ use of traditional and newer digital media. Because of signal fidelity, screen size, presence, and the rights to air top-tier sports events, television is likely to remain the medium of choice for fans ready to watch […]

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Sports Participation Styles Revisited: A Time-trend Study in Belgium From the 1970s to the 2000s

Social changes have been influencing determinants for sports participation since the introduction of the Sport for All ideology in the early 1970s. Consistent with Crum’s sportisation theory, today’s modes of sports practices, as well as the network of sport services, have diversified and the-traditionalised. As part of a research tradition, this contribution aims at analysing […]

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Sport in Malaysia: National Imperatives and Western Seductions

Professional sport has been radically altered by global capitalism, expanding from its once highly localized origins into an increasingly internationalized, mediatized, and commoditized cultural form. Like other commodities, sport has branched out from saturated domestic markets in the West. The rapid development of Asian economies has witnessed a wave of economic and cultural modernization, and […]

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Sport in the Underlife of a Total Institution: Social Control and Resistance in Canadian Prisons

While it is clear from a small body of scholarly literature that sport and physical activity play important roles in the daily lives of many inmates in diverse prison contexts around the world, there remains relatively little research that sociologically explores the significance of these physical practices in correctional environments. This paper helps to address […]

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Sport Involvement and Educational Outcomes of High School Students: A Longitudinal Study

This study examined the relations among sport involvement and social and personal influences on high school students’ educational expectations and attainment, using National Education Longitudinal Survey-88. Athletic engagement, educational expectations of significant others, peer support for academics, parental involvement in academics, and academic and athletic identities were measured in the 10th grade. Educational expectations and […]

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Sport Involvement: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis

The conceptual roots of involvement are considered to better understand the construct’s use in sport management research and practice. Sport involvement is conceptualized as a multifaceted construct representing the degree to which participation in a sport activity becomes a central component of a person’s life and provides both hedonic and symbolic value. An empirical analysis […]

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Sport Mega-Events and Public Opposition: A Sociological Study of the London 2012 Olympics

This article examines the diverse forms of public opposition, protest, criticism, and complaint in the United Kingdom on the staging of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London. Our discussion draws heavily on empirical research, primarily fieldwork and interviews in East London with local residents, opposition groups, business people, politicians, and other stakeholders. The […]

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Sport Mega-Events: Can Legacies and Development Be Equitable and Sustainable?

Sport mega-events (SMEs) involve struggles to determine the definition of legacy and the outcome priorities that guide legacy planning, funding, and implementation processes. History shows that legacies reflect the interests of capital, and legacy benefits are enjoyed primarily, if not exclusively, by powerful business interests, a few political leaders, and organizations that govern high performance […]

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Sport on the Move: The Unfolding Impact of Mobile Communications on the Media Sport Content Economy

The increased popularity of mobile smartphones and tablet computers in developed economies is transforming how and where sports footage, highlights and information are accessed. These developments are contributing to new commercial arrangements in the media sport sector, as well as legal conflicts over sought-after content that is transferable and reproduced across broadcast (pay-for-view and free-to-air […]

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Sport Transitions as Epiphanies

Sport managers design development systems with the intent of retaining and advancing athletes through that system (Green, 2005). Important to this basic goal is the participant’s transition from one sport context to another. Transition research has focused primarily on elite athlete’s adaptation to career transitions as they advance at the highest levels or retire from […]

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Sport-based Youth Development Interventions in the United States: A Systematic Review

The growing number of sport-based youth development interventions provide a potential avenue for integrating sport meaningfully into the U.S. public health agenda. However, efficacy and quality must be reliably established prior to widespread implementation.

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Sport-for-Change: Some Thoughts from a Skeptic

Sport’s historic attraction for policy makers has been its claims that it can offer an economy of remedies to seemingly intractable social problems–“social inclusion”, “development”. Such usually vague and ill-defined claims reflect sport’s marginal policy status and its attempts to prove its more general relevance. The dominance of evangelical beliefs and interest groups, who tend […]

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Sport-for-Development Impact Study: A Research Initiative Funded by Comic Relief and UK Sport and Managed by International Development Through Sport

This report provides an analysis of data collected as part of a major research project funded by Comic Relief and UK Sport and managed by International Development through Sport (IDS). The research sought to test the hypothesis that ‘sport contributes to the personal development and well-being of disadvantaged children and young people and brings wider […]

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Sport-for-Development in the South Pacific Region: Macro- Meso- and Micro-Perspectives

As the field of sport-for-development (SFD) has developed, there has been increasing debate over the ability of SFD programs to effect lasting structural change on target communities. Highlighting the barriers to SFD program delivery in five Pacific Island nations, in this paper we argue that numerous challenges emerging at macro-, meso-, and microlevels must be […]

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Sport-Specific Yearly Risk and Incidence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears in High School Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury rates are affected by frequency and level of competition, sex, and sport. To date, no study has sought to quantify sport-specific yearly risk for ACL tears in the high school (HS) athlete by sex and sport played. Purpose: To establish evidence-based incidence and yearly risk of ACL tears in […]

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Sport, Celebrity and Religion: Christianity, Morality and the Tebow Phenomenon

Sporting celebrities are rarely discussed within the broader realms of theological debate. Yet that is not to say that their identities cannot offer insight into wider patterns of cultural influence. Indeed, it is our contention within this paper that the reverse is true; that analysis of the autobiographical details of contemporary sporting figures represent key […]

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Sport, Islam, and Muslims in Europe: In Between or on the Margin?

The aim of this paper is to reveal how misconceptions-or using the concept of Arkoun, “the crisis of meanings”-about the role and position of Islam in Europe is impacting on the discourse on sport, Islam, and immigration. France is selected as a case study for this paper as it is in this country where the […]

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Sport, Physical Activity and Well-being: An Objectivist Account

It is widely maintained that sport and physical activities contribute to the development of young people’s well-being. Others argue that sports’ contribution to good living is so strong that it is even thought to be a human right. Typically, however, the value of physical activity and sport to our well-being is conceptualized and researched within […]

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Sport, Physical Culture, and the Environment: An introduction

We1 were excited that day in December of 2015 when world leaders in Paris announced that representatives of 196 countries—all living in very different circumstances, constraints, politics, and economic disadvantages—had committed to reducing their respective country’s environmental footprint. As Domonoske (2017) explains, it was the call of 2 degrees that catalyzed negotiations and moved the […]

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Sport, Politics and the Charity Industry: Running for Water

Sport is commonly used by charities and philanthropic organisations as a way of acquiring donors and fundraisers. In this groundbreaking study, Kyle Bunds examines the nexus of sport, politics and the charity industry through an investigation of water development agencies that raise funds in the developed world to build water systems in the developing world. […]

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Sport, Race, and Bio-Politics: Encounters with Difference in “Sport for Development and Peace” Internships

This article analyzes young Canadian volunteer interns’ encounters with sociocultural difference within the Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) movement. Using Foucauldian biopower, Third Wave, or transnational feminism and Hardt and Negri’s Empire, it examines how interns interpreted difference as markers of underdevelopment which secured the focus of the SDP movement on the underdevelopment of […]

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Sport, Religious Belief, and Religious Diversity

In this paper I examine some issues raised by conspicuous displays of religiosity in sports. In particular, important questions have been occasioned by the relatively recent pronouncements and behavior of a celebrated evangelical Christian athlete in American professional football. I explain reasons why some find such conspicuous piety worrisome. I raise concerns related to the […]

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Sport and Prosumption

This article engages and extends understanding of the interrelated concepts of prosumption, the prosumer, prosumer capitalism, and McDonaldization in relation to the highly commodified and spectacularized world of professional sport. Developing an understanding of modern sport forms as having always exhibited presumptive dimensions, the discussion focuses on the contemporary sporting context. The analysis highlights the […]

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Sport and Social Class: The Case of Finland

Sports have often been neglected in the research on taste and cultural consumption. This article investigates lifestyle choices in the area of sports, with particular focus on the differences that can be drawn from occupational class and other background variables. Based on nationally representative survey data from Finland, participation in sports and sports spectatorship are […]

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Sport and Social Cohesion in a Provincial Town in South Africa: The Case of a Tourism Project for Aid and Social Development Through Football

This article examines sport and social cohesion in South Africa through a case study of a project on aid and social development through tourism and football in the provincial town of Stellenbosch, in the Western Cape. The field of study includes the project that was initiated, the group that benefits from it – African footballers […]

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Sport and Social Development: Promise and Caution From an Incipient Cambodian Football League

One of the enduring controversies found in the literature on the role that sport plays in social development is whether this assumed relationship is weak or robust. Despite evidence both for and against the ‘sport-enhances-social-development’ model, a rapidly expanding cluster of case studies and a growing literature in a number of disciplines, there remain entire […]

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Sport and Social Mobility: Crossing Borders

Can sport serve as a vehicle for social mobility of disadvantaged social groups? How and to what extent are different forms of social capital created through sport participation? Sport and Social Mobility: Crossing Boundaries takes up these questions through a critical examination of the ways in which sport facilitates or inhibits upward social mobility. Drawing […]

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Sport and Spirituality: An Introduction

In September 2007 the first international conference on sport and spirituality was held in York, England. There, an international collection of philosophers, theologians, kinesiologists and sports team ministers gathered to present papers and investigate the common ground of philosophy, theology, ministry and sport. Some of those at the forefront of this emerging field have published […]

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Sport and terrorism: Two of Modern Life’s Most Prevalent Themes

The purpose of this introduction is to establish the context for the ensuing collection examining the relationship between sport and terrorism within a range of international sporting settings. Drawing upon a host of recent examples this article serves to demonstrate the multifaceted nature of this relationship, how it emerges in remarkably similar fashions within otherwise […]

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Sport and the Resettlement of Young People from Refugee Backgrounds in Australia

Within recent years, policy makers and practitioners have increasingly drawn on sport as a vehicle to assist with the resettlement of young people from refugee backgrounds. This article presents the views of sport development and resettlement service staff responsible for supporting the participation of young refugees within sport. Our data suggest that while there are […]

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Sport as a Vehicle for Socialization and Maintenance of Cultural Identity: International Students Attending American Universities

Immigrants can utilize sport as a vehicle for maintaining cultural identity. Conversely, sport participation provides immigrants with opportunities for adopting an entirely new culture. Previous research also suggests that sport provides individuals with opportunities for attaining social capital. While this can be a beneficial situation for some individuals, sport is also promoting elitism and serving […]

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Sport as Context for the Development of Women’s Same-Sex Relationships

Based on semistructured interviews with 56 women who had at least one same-sex relationship prior to age 30, I conclude that sport both nurtures, and to a lesser degree hinders, development of these relationships. Homophobia on particular teams, sometimes triggered by the masculine reputation of sport, often hindered the development of these women’s same-sex attractions/relationships. […]

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Sport Education as a Pedagogical Application for Ethical Development in Physical Education and Sport

The purpose of this paper is to consider four pedagogical applications within the Sport Education model to examine the ways in which a young person can become a literate sports person and develop ethical behaviour through engagement in physical education and youth sport. Through a systematic review of the Sport Education research literature we present […]

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Sport Education: A Panacea for Hegemonic Masculinity in Physical Education or More of the Same?

Sport education has received considerable support from teachers, teacher educators and the sport pedagogy literature as a cure for much that ails physical education. The purpose of the study described in this paper was to determine the extent to which teachers employing the sport education model rejected and combatted or supported and reinforced masculine bias […]

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Sport for Decolonization: Exploring a New Praxis of Sport for Development

Sport is now mobilized as a novel and effective means of achieving international development goals, leading to an increasingly institutionalized relationship between sport and development. While there is recent evidence of the effectiveness of Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) programmes and policies, research has also drawn attention to the relations of power that underpin […]

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Sport for Development and Peace in Action: Building Facts for Funding

The aim of this article is to provide insight on how claims that sport contributes to development or peace are transformed into facts. Beyond a theoretical discussion about how sport for development and peace (SDP) facts are built, this article demonstrates, in rich detail, the subtle art of SDP fact building for funding purposes. Specifically, […]

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Sport for Development and Peace: A Critical Sociology

“The role of sport in development initiatives has grown dramatically over the last five years, now finding a place in the UN’s millennium development goals. In Sport and Development for Peace, Simon Darnell outlines the most recent sociological research on the role of sport in development initiatives. The book analysis the relationship between sport and […]

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Sport for Development and Peace: A Public Sociology Perspective

In the increasing amount of published research and critical commentary on sport for development and Peace (SDP) two related trends are apparent. The first is a clear belief that, under certain circumstances, sport may make a useful contribution to work in international development and peace building; the second is that criticisms of it are frequently […]

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Sport for Development and Peace: Experiences Conducting U.S. and International Programs

Since 2003, a large number of grassroots sport for development and peace (SDP) programs have been created throughout the world due largely to the United Nations’ recognition and promotion of sport as a way to foster development and peace. However, researchers have challenged the unsubstantiated claims about the positive outcomes of SDP efforts, calling for […]

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Sport in a Youth Prison: Male Young Offenders’ Experiences of a Sporting Intervention

The numbers of children under the age of 18 being incarcerated in England and Wales has decreased of late, with official figures indicating that the current population of just over 1500 has halved during the last decade. But levels of reoffending among children released from prison remain the highest, with three out of four young […]

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