Glitter (Foot)ball Tactics: Negotiating Mainstream Gender Equality in Iceland
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Global Perspectives on Sports and Christianity
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Global sport and consumer culture.
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Global Subjects or Objects of Globalisation? The promotion of global citizenship in organisations offering sport for development and/or peace programmes
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Global, National, and Local Factors in the Management of University Sport: The Hungarian Case.
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Globalization and Social Justice in Sports Broadcasting: The Case of Al-Jazeera Sport
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Globalization and sport in Asia: Diverse perspectives and future possibilities.
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Globalization, Urbanization and Sporting Spectacle in Pacific Asia: Places, People and Pastness
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Globo, the Brazilian Military Dictatorship and the 1970 FIFA Football World Cup: Ambiguous Relations.
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Glocal Boys: Exploring Experiences of Acculturation Amongst Migrant Youth Footballers in Premier League Academies
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Glocalization and Sports in Asia
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Glory Hunters Sugar Daddies and Long-Term Competitive Balance Under UEFA Financial Fair Play
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God, Sport Philosophy, Kinesiology: A MacIntyrean Examination
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Goffman Identity and Organizational Control: Elite Sports Academies and Social Theory
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Gold Fever(?): Sport and National Identity – The Hungarian Case
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Governance of the London 2012 Olympic Games Legacy.
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Gender equality in sport leadership: From the Brighton Declaration to the Sydney Scoreboard
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Gender Ideologies, Youth Sports, and the Production of Soft Essentialism
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Gender on the ropes: An autoethnographic account of boxing in Tasmania, Australia
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Gender Regimes and Habitus: An Avenue for Analyzing Gender Building in Sports Contexts
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Gender Regulation: Renée Richards Revisited
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Gender Role Beliefs and Parents’ Support for Athletic Participation
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Gender Verification and Gender Policies in Elite Sport: Eligibility and “Fair Play”
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Gender, Media, and Mixed Martial Arts in Poland: The Case of Joanna
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Gendered homophobia in sport and coaching: Understanding the everyday experiences of lesbian coaches
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Gendered jocks or equal players? Athletic affiliation and hooking up among college students
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Gene Doping and the Responsibility of Bioethicists.
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Gene doping: an overview and current implications for athletes
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Generating recognition acceptance and social inclusion in marginalised youth populations: The potential of sports-based interventions
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Generating trust? Sport and community participation
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Generation 3.0: Popularity of the national German team among Israeli soccer fans
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Getting Better: An Autoethnographic Tale of Recovery from Sporting Injury.
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Getting Free: The Arts and Politics of Basketball Modernity.
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Getting in the Game: Title IX and the Women’s Sports Revolution
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Gibberish in Communicating Written Physical Activity Information: Making Strides at Derailing a Perpetual Problem
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Girl, Interrupted: Interpreting Semenya’s Body, Gender Verification Testing, and Public Discourse
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Freedom between the lines: clothing behavior and identity work among young female soccer players
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French Football Needs More Women Like Adriana? Examining the Media Coverage of France’s Women’s National Football Team for the 2011 World Cup and the 2012 Olympic Games
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Friends as Enemies: A Sociological Analysis of the Relationship Among Touring Professional Golfers
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From ‘sport for good’ to ‘sport for sport’s sake’ – not a good move for sports development in England?
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From Core to Consumer: The Informal Hierarchy of the Skateboard Scene.
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From Disability to Ability: Changing the Phrasing of the Debate
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From Loving the Hero to Despising the Villain: Exploring Sports Fans Social Identity Management on Facebook
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From Pride to Smugness and the Nationalism Between: Olympic Media Consumption Effects on Nationalism Across the Globe
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From racial exclusions to new inclusions: Black and minority ethnic participation in football clubs in the East Midlands of England
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From sex roles to gender structure
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From Stoke Mandeville to Stratford: A History of the Summer Paralympic Games
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From the “Taiwan Yankees” to the New York Yankees: The Glocal Narratives of Baseball.
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Full-Contact Practice and Injuries in College Football
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Gaining a foothold in football: A genealogical analysis of the emergence of the female footballer in New Zealand.
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Gay Pride on Stolen Land: Homonationalism and Settler Colonialism at the Vancouver Winter Olympics
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Gender and age inequalities in regular sports participation: A cross-national study of 25 European countries
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Gender and family status differences in leisure-time sports/fitness participation
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Gender and sport participation in Montenegro.
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Gender Differences in Concussion Reporting Among High School Athletes
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Gender equality and leadership in Olympic bodies.
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Flirting with the Judges: Bikini Fitness Competitors’ Negotiations of Femininity in Bodybuilding Competitions
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Fly Like an Eagle: Career Duration in the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup.
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Food for Thought: Notes on Food, Performance, and the Athletic Body
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Football clubs and philanthropy: An empirical analysis of volunteering, match quality, and donations.
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Football Fandom Mobilization and Herbert Blumer: A Social Movement Analysis of F.C. United of Manchester
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Football Fans’ Views of Violence in British Football: Evidence of a Sanitized and Gentrified Culture.
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Football Fascism and Fandom: The UltraS of Italian Football
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Football in Arabic literature in diaspora: Global influences and local manifestations.
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Football on television: how has coverage of the Cup Finals in Norway changed from 1961 to 1995?
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Football team identification in Norway: spectators of local and national football matches
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Football’s Dark Side: Corruption, Homophobia, Violence and Racism in the Beautiful Game.
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Football’s Irish exodus: Examining the factors influencing Irish player migration to English professional leagues.
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Football’s tsars: proprietorship, corporatism and politics in the 2010 FIFA World Cup
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For Ed McVaney, Valor Christian High School is labor of love.
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For Your Ears Only!’ Donald Sterling and Backstage Racism in Sport
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Foreign players in the English Premier Academy League: ‘Feet-drain’ or ‘feet-exchange’?
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Forget Me . . . Not: Marion Jones and the Politics of Punishment.
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Foucault, Flying Discs and Calling Fouls: Ascetic Practices of the Self in Ultimate Frisbee.
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Fractured Understanding of Mindfulness: A Response to Clarifying the Mindfulness Muddle
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Framing the 2007 National Basketball Association finals: An analysis of commentator discourse
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Fantasy sport and media interactivity
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Fantasy Sports: Socialization and Gender Relations
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Fastest, highest, youngest? Analysing the athlete’s experience of the Singapore Youth Olympic Games.
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Fathers on Child’s Play: Urban and Rural Canadian Perspectives.
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Fatness, Fitness, and Feminism in the Built Environment: Bringing Together Physical Cultural Studies and Social Materialisms, to Study the “Obesogenic Environment”
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Fear and loathing in Lesotho: An autoethnographic analysis of sport for development and peace.
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Federal government funding and sport: the case of Brazil, 2004–2009
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Female anglers in a predominantly male sport: Portrayals in five popular fishing-related magazines.
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Female fan experiences and interpretations of the 1958 Munich air disaster the 1966 World Cup finals and the rise of footballers as sexualised national celebrities
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Female Olympians: A Mediated Socio-Cultural and Political-Economic Timeline.
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Feminine Writing: The Effect of Gender on the Work of Women Sports Journalists in the Swiss Daily Press
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Feminist Cultural Studies: Uncertainties and Possibilities
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Feminization of sport audiences and fans? Evidence from German men’s national soccer team
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Fields of Individuals and Neoliberal Logics: Japanese Soccer Ideals and the 1990s Economic Crisis.
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Fields of Play: An ethnography of children’s sports.
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Fighting for “Respectability”: Media Representations of the White “Working-Class” Male Boxing “Hero”
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Financial Risk Management: The Role of a New Stadium in Minimizing the Variation in Franchise Revenues
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Finish Lines, Not Finish Times: Making Meaning of the “Marathon Maniacs.”
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Fist, feet and faith: An ‘elite’ interview with ‘Fight Church’ Pastor Jude Roberts
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Fit for prosumption: interactivity and the second fitness boom
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Experiences in Sport, Physical Activity, and Physical Education Among Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu Asian Adolescent Girls
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Experiencing Spiritual Aspects Outdoors in the Winter: A Case Study from the Czech Republic Using the Method of Systemic Constellations
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Exploring an Activist Approach of Working With Boys From Socially Vulnerable Backgrounds in a Sport Context
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Exploring Critical Alternatives for Youth Development Through Lifestyle Sport: Surfing and Community Development in Aotearoa/New Zealand
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