Mental Health Referral for Student-Athletes: Web-Based Education and Training
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Mentor functions in NCAA women’s soccer coaching dyads.
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Mentorship of Black student-athletes at a predominately White American university: critical race theory perspective on student-athlete development.
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Messengers of hope: A boy with autism his church and the Special Olympics
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Methods that move: A physical performative pedagogy of subjectivity.
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Migration and Career Transitions in Professional Sports: Transnational Athletic Careers in a Psychological and Sociological Perspective
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Mind, body and sport: Understanding and supporting student-athlete mental wellness.
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Minding the terrazzo gap between athletes and nonathletes: Representativeness, integration, and academic performance at the U.S. Air Force Academy
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Mission impossible? Reflecting upon the relationship between physical education, youth sport and lifelong participation.
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Monday Night Football and the Racial Roots of the Network TV Event
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MoneyRoundball? The drafting of international players by National Basketball Association teams
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More money – better anti-doping?
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More than a sport: Tennis education and health
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More than just games: the global politics of the Olympic Movement
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More than just play: Unmasking black child labor in the athletic industrial complex
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More than murder: Ethics and hunting in New Zealand
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Male Team Sport Hazing Initiations in a Culture of Decreasing Homohysteria
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Managing Black Guys: Representation, Corporate Culture, and the NBA
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Managing Emotional Manhood: Fighting and Fostering Fear in Mixed Martial Arts
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Managing ethnocultural and ‘racial’ diversity in sport: Obstacles and opportunities
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Managing sport for social change: The state of play
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Masters Sport as a Strategy for Managing the Ageing Process
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Maximizing the benefits of youth sport.
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May increasing doping sanctions discourage entry to the competition?
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May the Circle Be Unbroken: The Research Recommendations of Aboriginal Community Members Engaged in Participatory Action Research With University Academics
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Meanings of play among children.
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Measuring in action research: Four ways of integrating quantitative methods in participatory dynamics
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Media consumption and the contexts of physical culture: Methodological reflections on third generation study of media audiences
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Media events spectacles and risky globalization: a critical review and possible avenues for future research
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Media representations of multiracial athletes.
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Mediating mega events and manufacturing multiculturalism: The cultural politics of the world game in Australia.
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Meet me at the crossroads: African American athletic and racial identity.
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Mega events in sports and crime: Evidence from the 1990 Football World Cup.
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Mega sport events: A probabilistic social cost–benefit analysis of bidding for the games.
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Mega sporting events and public funding of sport in Brazil (2004-2011)
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Megaeventos esportivos e Educação Física: alerta de tsunami
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Lifestyle and Adventure Sport Among Youth
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Lifestyle sport, public policy and youth engagement: Examining the emergence of parkour.
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Lifting the veil: Exploring colorblind racism in black student athlete experiences.
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Limited or lasting legacy? The effect of non-mega sport event attendance on participation
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Lively Infrastructure
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Living by numbers: Media representations of sports stars’ careers
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Living the dream or awakening from the nightmare: race and athletic identity
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Local meanings of a sport mega-event’s legacies: Stories From a South African urban neighbourhood
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Locating the modern sacred: Moral/social facts and constitutive practices
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Lockouts and player productivity: Evidence from the National Hockey League.
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London 2012 and beyond: concluding reflections on peacemaking sport and the Olympic movement
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London 2012 and sports participation: The myths of legacy.
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London 2012: A legacy for disabled people—setting new standards, changing perceptions.
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Look after yourself, or look after one another? An analysis of life skills in sport for development and peace HIV prevention curriculum.
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Looks Good on Your CV: The Sociology of Voluntourism Recruitment in Higher Education
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Love thy Rival: what Sports’ Greatest Rivalries Teach Us about Loving Our Enemies
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Maintaining Dominican identity in the Dominican Republic: Forging a baseball landscape in Villa Ascension
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Major college basketball in the United States: Morality amateurism and hypocrisies
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Major League Baseball Attendance and the Role of Fantasy Baseball
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Making the global turn: The USLPGA, commissioner rhetoric of difference, and “new imperialism.”
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King of the Court: Bill Russell and the Basketball Revolution.
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Knee Osteoarthritis Is Associated With Previous Meniscus and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery Among Elite College American Football Athletes
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Knocked out: Ritual disruption and the decline of Spanish boxing
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Labor migration among elite sport coaches: An exploratory study
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Ladies of Besiktas: A dismantling of male hegemony at Inönü Stadium
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Lady or woman? The debate on lexical choice for describing females in sport in the Turkish language.
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Latinos in the End Zone: Conversations on the Brown Color Line in the NFL
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Lay Down Sally: Media Narratives of Failure in Australian Sport
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Leading Their Flocks to Health? Clergy Health and the Role of Clergy in Faith-Based Health Promotion Interventions
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Learning the game: Football fandom culture and the origins of practice.
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Learning to be a ‘goody-goody’: Ethics and performativity in high school elite athlete programmes.
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Learning to get drunk: The importance of drinking in Japanese university sports clubs
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Leveling the Playing Field? Perspectives and Observations of Coed Intramural Flag Football Modifications
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Leveraging parasport events for community participation: Development of a theoretical framework
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Leveraging sport mega-events: new model or convenient justification?
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Leveraging the London 2012 Paralympic Games: What Legacy for People with Disabilities?
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LGBT inclusive athletic departments as agents of social change.
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Life at the track: Country race clubs and social capital
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Life in the Travelling Circus: A Study of Loneliness, Work Stress, and Money Issues in Touring Professional Golf
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Lifelong engagement in sport and physical activity: Participation and performance across the lifespan.
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Is There Chronic Brain Damage in Retired NFL Players? Neuroradiology, Neuropsychology, and Neurology Examinations of 45 Retired Players.
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Is There Salary Discrimination by Nationality in the NBA?: Foreign Talent or Foreign Market
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Islam, Hijab and Young Shia Muslim Canadian Women’s Discursive Constructions of Physical Activity
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Israel and a sports boycott: Anti-semitic? Anti-Zionist?
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ISSP Position Stand: Culturally competent research and practice in sport and exercise psychology
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It is never too late to win – sporting activities and performances of ageing women
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It is Passable, I Suppose – Adult Norwegian Men’s Notions of Their Own Bodies
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It Just Makes you Feel Invincible’: A Foucauldian Analysis of Children’s Experiences of Organised Team Sports
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It Was My Thought… He Made it a Reality: Normalization and Responsibility in Athletes’ Accounts of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use
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It’s Actually Very Normal That I’m Different’. How Physically Disabled Youth Discursively Construct and Position Their Body/Self
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It’s not like you are less of a man just because you don’t play rugby’—boys’ problematization of gender during secondary school physical education lessons in New Zealand.
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It’s a Long Way to the Super League: The Experiences of Australasian Professional Rugby League Migrants in the United Kingdom
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It’s Just Girls’ Hockey: Troubling progress narratives in girls’ and women’s sport
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It’s Just Superstition I Suppose … I’ve Always Done Something on Game Day: The Construction of Everyday Life on a University Basketball Team
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It’s Not That Easy Being Green: The Environmental Dimension of the European Union’s Sports Policy
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Jacques Mornève: Narrative Glorification of Catholic Sport
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Just a wind-up? Ethnicity religion and prejudice in Scottish football-related comedy
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Just be empowered: how girls are represented in a sport for development and peace HIV/AIDS prevention manual.
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Just Don’t Hit On Me and I’m Fine: Mapping High School Wrestlers’ Relationship to Inclusive Masculinity and Heterosexual Recuperation
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Kicking “No-Touch” Discourses into Touch: Athletes’ Parents’ Constructions of Appropriate Coach–Child Athlete Physical Contact.
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Intersecting Selves: African American Female Athletes’ Experiences of Sport
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Intersectionality and Global Gender Inequality
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Intersectionality, Microaggressions, and Micro-Affirmations: Toward a Cultural Praxis of Sport Coaching.
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Intrinsic Motivation and Flow in Skateboarding: An Ethnographic Study
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