Research Library

Pay attention! The influence of coach-, content-, and player-related factors on focus of attention statements during tennis training.

This study on youth tennis players delved into the pivotal role of coach communication in shaping the attentional focus of athletes during training sessions across diverse sports. A detailed analysis encompassing 10 coaches engaged with youth athletes was conducted to understand the prevalence and influencers of attentional focus induced by coach communication. While prior research advocates for an external focus (EF) in enhancing performance, this study aimed to explore how coach-, content-, and player-related factors influence the attentional focus induced during sports training sessions. The findings shed light on the prevalent induction of EF in coaching across various sports, emphasizing the need for adaptable communication strategies aligned with athletes' skill levels for optimized training outcomes.
Read OnPay attention! The influence of coach-, content-, and player-related factors on focus of attention statements during tennis training.

The Predictive Ability of the Frequency of Perfectionistic Cognitions, Self-oriented Perfectionism, and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism in Relation to Symptoms of Burnout in Youth Rugby Players

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Read OnThe Predictive Ability of the Frequency of Perfectionistic Cognitions, Self-oriented Perfectionism, and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism in Relation to Symptoms of Burnout in Youth Rugby Players