Category Sport Psychology

Authentic Athletics: Unveiling Personal Fulfillment in Sports Through the Lens of Positive Psychology

In the realm of sports psychology, understanding the intricate relationship between identity, well-being, and performance is crucial. Eudaimonic identity theory offers a unique perspective, emphasizing the pursuit of self-realization and flourishing. This theory suggests that individuals strive for authenticity and fulfillment through activities that align with their true selves. When applied to sports, it unveils a deeper understanding of how athletes can experience personal growth and express who they are through their sport.

Athlete Identity: The Importance of Sport Knowledge

Sport knowledge refers to the comprehensive understanding of the sport, it goes beyond knowing its rules, techniques, strategies, and includes historical context, social influences, and the science infused within it. When coaches possess in-depth knowledge of their sport, they become trusted sources of information and guidance for their athletes. This expertise helps shape the athlete's identity, as they look up to their coach as a role model and mentor.

Athlete Anxiety: 10 Strategies Coaches Can Use to Help Reduce the Pressure

In the field of sport, anxiety is a pervasive occurrence among athletes. As sport leaders, it is imperative to comprehend and address this issue to optimize our athlete’s performance and overall mental well-being. This article will delve into ten proven strategies that can aid athletes in managing anxiety. These strategies are derived from numerous research studies and practical insights.

Athlete Motivation: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic

As a coach, understanding the dynamics of motivation is crucial in guiding your athletes towards their highest potential. At the heart of this understanding lies the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. These two types of motivation, though different in nature, work hand-in-hand to drive athlete development.

Athlete Motivation: A Coach’s Perspective

In the next several weeks, I thought it might be interesting to delve into the dynamic world of athlete development, placing a spotlight on motivation - a fundamental driver of peak performance and continual growth. Let’s take a look at the different aspects of motivation and how we, as coaches, can significantly influence and cultivate this drive in our athletes.

Motivation plays a pivotal role in athlete development. It serves as the driving force that influences an athlete's behavior, their level of commitment, and, ultimately, their performance in their chosen sport. Understanding the theories and mechanisms of motivation is crucial for coaches who aim to effectively harness this intrinsic power in their athletes.

Emotional Regulation: Shaping Athlete Emotional Intelligence

As coaches, we are well aware that there is more to performance than just physical prowess. Let’s delve into the role of emotional regulation and explore how it influences every aspect of our athlete's performance. In this edition, I will outline the various strategies that can be employed to manage emotions effectively, drawing from academic research and practical insights.

"Sport coaching is not just about honing the physical skills of an athlete but also about nurturing their mental fortitude. We, as coaches, play an instrumental role in shaping their emotional intelligence, enabling them to manage their emotions effectively for optimal performance." - Meg Wilson

Addressing Athlete Mental Health: A Coach’s Perspective

As experienced sport coaches invested in our player’s athletic and personal development, it's crucial for us to recognize the significance of athlete mental health. We train our athletes physically to excel, but what about mentally and emotionally? How can our athletes reach their FULL potential without these being in optimal condition?  High-profile athletes have recently brought this issue to the forefront and now it is time to take action.

Opinion | Russian Olympic Abuses Keep Happening. When Will Child Athletes Be Protected?

Since a 15-year-old Russian girl named Kamila Valieva was destroyed before our eyes on an Olympic skating rink, there has been the usual uproar. We rail against the coaches who turn girls into disposable, miserable robots. We call for higher age minimums for competitors. We trot out the greatest-hits list of abuses in elite figure skating (issues that also overlap with gymnastics): anorexia, bulimia, debilitating injuries, pressure, burnout, body-shaming, painkillers, suicide attempts.

Working Out and Mental Health Go Hand in Hand


Dive deeper into how fitness and staying active can improve your mental health. This article lays out the many ways in which exercise can help somebody with a variety of mental health struggles. Included also are tips and tricks about how to develop healthy life habits.

Paralympian Desmond Jackson on Why Diligence Matters

Paralympic Track and Field athlete Desmond Jackson recounts how his career was changed forever at the 2021 Paralympic Trials. Jackson took a pill from his coach, whom he trusted completely, without thinking twice about it. He looks back on that moment and shares the importance of diligence in all aspects of life: personal and professional.