Tag coaching

Understanding Gen Z Athletes: Empowering Them in Your Coaching Practice

Welcome to “A Spark of Optimism,” where we explore topics reshaping our workplaces and practices. Today, we focus on understanding and empowering Gen Z athletes—digital natives shaping the future of sports. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z brings unique strengths and perspectives to the field, shaped by their upbringing in a world of smartphones […]

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Overcoming Poor Coaching Habits: Understanding How Your Coaching Impacts Your Players

We all talk a good game when pointing out the pivotal role sport leaders play in shaping the WHOLE athlete; however, ineffective coaching can lead to detrimental outcomes, affecting athletes’ performance, motivation, and overall well-being. This article delves into the effects of poor coaching, drawing from research studies and practical insights. It also provides recommendations on how we as coaches can move away from “old school” coaching habits that lack merit and perhaps no longer reach the digital native athletes that now inhabit our fields and courts.

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